It began as a normal day in my little town. I was visiting my beloved Grandmother's house. She had asked my brother and I to pick her apples. See, these apples are not normal apples like the ones you'd find in a grocery store. No these were:

Which are bitter, evil apples. As a child my cousins would pick these apples off the ground and viciously throw them at my head! Anyway,my brother set up a ladder and I grabbed some buckets. We were excited to climb up that giant tree and pick these monsters. My grandmother wanted this done today and it seemed like this would happen. So I climbed up the steps and reached the lowest branch. I clambered onto it and started grabbing the apples and throwing them down to my brother. As soon as I finished one branch I would start another. Often there would be BAD APPLES. These apples usually had holes in them from the birds pecking at their juicy flesh. These apples would be thrown onto the ground for the neighborhood animals to eat them. When we were done picking the apples, I started to climb down the tree. That's when it happened.... As I made my way down the branches, I slipped on something. A BAD APPLE! It had been squished from being thrown so hard at the ground. But, it hadn't made it to the ground. Noooo, the treacherous object had landed on one of the branches. I lost my footing and began my painful descent towards the ground. I knew at that moment I was to die. Luckily, my feet had caught on to a low hanging branch. So my fall was stopped momentarily. I quickly swung forward to the next branch and regained my balance. At this time, my brother was just sitting on the ground eating one of the apples not knowing i had almost died. When I told him what had happened he laughed. I then took my bucket full of apples and stomped inside to eat some apple pie that our lovely Grandma had made.
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