Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Z is for Zeus

We have come a long way my little lemons. Look at what letter we're up to!!! Z! I'm very proud of my work, and I appreciate all of you who take the time to ponder over what I say and send me beautiful fan mail. Thank you!
Story time. When I was in the 2nd grade, we had to do a play. It was about the gods of Olympus. I recall one boy in my class who got to be Zeus. There was a scene where Zeus spills his cup of grape juice all over the place (it was supposed to be wine I later found out, but we were children), and then he was supposed to cry. For some reason, this Zeus child could not fake crying! He would just start sniffling then he would bust out in laughter. Our teacher told him he needed to try harder. So he did. She smiled and said "Good job Buddy!"
Then came the day when we had to perform in front of the school. (Oh and by the way, my part was so small that I only had one line. I said "For Olympus!") The day of the performance, we were ready. Zeus promised our teacher that he would do his crying perfectly. And so the play started. When his glory moment came, Zeus cried. But they crying became laughter. And that laughter was so hard that he peed his pants in front of the whole school and the play was cancelled. What a good experience that was...

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